College Information


As you settle in to the high school routine, I would like to remind you to keep up with homework and study for tests. As high school students, you have a new level of independence that makes it necessary for you to be a little more responsible for your own performance. Please remember that even freshmen grades are important when it comes time to apply for scholarships and grants in a few short years. I would also like to remind you of the university entrance requirements. These are referred to as the A-G requirements. Many of the required A-G courses are the same as our high school graduation requirements. However, there are a few other courses required to attend a four-year university as a freshman. It is a good idea to find out what the requirements are for any school you are thinking about attending.

You will also be required to take the SAT or ACT college readiness tests to attend most universities. You will probably take those tests your junior or senior years. We do not administer those tests; Modoc High School does (info will be available online). However, we offer, free of charge, the Preliminary SAT. We administer the PSAT each year to all of our 9-11 grade students. This will give you a better idea of how the SAT works and has been shown to improve performance on the SAT itself. This year we will be giving it on the 17th of October during the regular school day.


Your sophomore year is a good time to start thinking about what you want to do with your future. It is too early to start applying to colleges, but it is just the right time to start thinking about what colleges might be right for you. The first thing to do is try to think of what you would like to do for a career. You don’t have to narrow it down just yet, but if you like science and helping people, maybe the medical field is for you. If you like children, there are careers from babysitting to teaching. If you like to argue with your parents, maybe you should consider law school. If you have an idea, you can begin researching about how to start reaching your dreams. If you don’t know what you want, this is a good time to find ways to expand your choices rather than limiting your options. Take the ASVAB- even if you don’t intend to go into the military, it will give you an idea of what type of career would be compatible with your strengths and interests. Try to get good grades so your GPA is acceptable to any college and your work habits are strong. Take classes that will prepare you for university admission. If you limit yourself, you might regret it. You may feel that you cannot afford college, but with a good GPA and course selection, you may get a great scholarship that will pay for your whole education. Believe it or not, we have had several students do just that!


Many people say that the junior year is the best year of high school. You have settled in, you are familiar with the routine, and you don’t have the stress of being a senior just yet. However, don’t get too comfortable, you should still be keeping your GPA up, and it is time to start working toward your future goals.If you know where you want to go to college, good for you!

Do you want to go to a four-year university? Do you know the entrance requirements? Do you need a certain GPA? What about your SAT or ACT scores, do they count? If your GPA isn’t all it should be, your test scores can get you into the college of your dreams. Some selective colleges want a high GPA and both SAT and ACT scores. Find out for sure what you need to do, then you won’t have to worry that you haven’t done enough. We live in an exciting time in history, any school you want to go to is just a Google search away. They all have websites, and on their websites is everything you need to know to get in. Colleges want students. They want you to be prepared. They want you to be able to get in. If you are really interested in a school, call the admissions department: they have people on staff whose only job is to help you get in.

Are you thinking of going to a community college? That is a great choice! Community colleges are a good place to start out: they are economical, they are less selective, and you can explore your interests if you are undecided on a future career. They are also a great place to go to learn a trade. You can earn a certificate in two years for a fraction of what it would cost at a trade school in 18 months. Do some Goggling to find out what types of trade programs California’s many Community Colleges have to offer. Even if you are planning to go to a community college, you should keep up your grades. The more catch-up you have to do to transfer, the longer you will have to be there and the less likely you are to transfer or graduate. Being a good student in high school will help you to be a good student as you further your education.

Do you have other plans? Perhaps the military, or trade school? Start looking in to how to get where you want to be. Take the ASVAB- even if you don’t intend to go into the military, it will give you an idea of what type of career would be compatible with your strengths and interests. Talk to people who have gone through whatever training you are interested in. Once again, the internet is a resource for exploring your options.


Welcome to the home stretch! Remember that regardless of how many credits you need to graduate, seniors must pass English and Econ/Government in order to graduate. Please complete all assignments for these classes.By now, I am sure you are giving a lot of thought to what direction to take after high school. Now is the time to think about financing higher education. The first step for many students will be filing the Free Application for Student Aid or the FAFSA ( This application will not only enable qualified students to get financial aid, but is also necessary for many scholarships. You can begin the process of filing by creating a profile on the website and previewing all the information available there. Cash for College night at will be at Modoc High School you should attend and have all your questions answered by a financial aid counselor from Lassen College. Come see me for applications for scholarships as well as other resources for finding national scholarships.

Online Education

1. Need an online class for CREDIT RECOVERY or CREDIT ENHANCEMENT?

If you are behind in credits and need to make up a class or two, or if you want to take a class (e.g. AP) that’s not offered at SVHS, then click here to download an information handout.


If you want to take a college class that can count in place of a high school class (and therefore earn both high school and college credit at the same time).


If you are behind by a significant number of credits, your 18th birthday is coming up, and you are afraid that the State of CA will kick you out of the public school before you complete your high school diploma, then click here to download an information handout.